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Thursday, October 15, 2009



7:49 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hey :D


Haha :D

4:35 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Friday, September 4, 2009


4:32 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hey guys.

If I said this was good news, I'd be lying.

Ok, Deborah has oral and tests next week, so we can't really pull her out of her revision, can we? Unless you're feeling evil. So either week after next, or we cancel the whole thing and do a conference call. But personally I prefer the first option because i owe her a McFlurry. =X

She doesn't want to keep you guys waiting to watch Harry Potter or something. Haiz.

So, let me know what you guys think, ok?


9:34 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello :D

Nic here :D Long time since anyone updated. Anyway, anybody interested in watching Harry Potter? Date and time not confirmed yet, probably sometime next week, maybe Monday, Wednesday or Tuesday? Venue will probably be Century Square (where it's cheaper) or Tampines Mall (where it's a lot more crowded), it's nearer for most of us. (:

Oh and as a bonus, our beloved DEBORAH LEE CHIEN SZE will be going :D -EVERYONE CHEERS- So if you don't want to watch the movie, at least go to see Deb. She really misses 1A(: AND I KNOW THAT YOU ALL MISS HER. (:

So, if you're interested, LEAVE A TAG ON MY BLOG/THE CLASS BLOG, about whether you are interested, when you're free, and the preferred cinema(: If not, I'll hunt you down and whack you the moment my braces stop hurting. Yup. xD

Thanks, miss you all :D


8:38 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Sunday, May 31, 2009

it's nicola, aka NIC THE GREAT here. :D :D - waves to the crowd of fans cheering -
remember our japan board? quite a lot of fun doing it haha. miss you guys... jiayous! if you did not do well for MYEs, it's ok, work harder for EOYs. now THAT one you can't fail. :D whee. jiayous 1A'08!! ♥

11:31 AM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wow... How long have we not posted? 

I think most of you must be satisfied with your results for MYE?
Heard that many of you are topping in different subjs in your own classes now. 

That's great, continue to work hard, 1A(:


3:10 PM

We will still be FRIENDS F0REVER[: